Safeguarding in Scotland: McLellan Commission Report

A summary of the McLellan Report on Safeguarding in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland

The Report of the McLellan Commission, A Review of the Current Safeguarding Policies, Procedures and Practice within the Catholic Church in Scotland, was published on 18 August 2015. This comprised one of the three safeguarding initiatives[1] announced by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, on 24 November 2013. The Commission was chaired by the Very Revd Dr Andrew McLellan CBE, a former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland from 2002 until 2009; it was given a remit “to review all aspects of Safeguarding policy, procedure and practice within the Catholic Church in Scotland, and to make recommendations for improvement that will assist the church in being a safe place for all”. Continue reading