Ellinor Grimmark is a midwife. In November 2013 she was offered a job by Höglandssjukhuset women’s clinic; but when she explained that she could not perform abortions because of her conscientious objection and her Christian faith, the clinic withdrew the job offer – and she later filed a complaint. A few months later, she was refused employment with Ryhovs women’s clinic for the same reason. In January, Värnamo Hospital women’s clinic offered her a job but then withdrew the offer because of the complaint she had filed against Höglandssjukhuset. Last Thursday, in Ellinor Grimmark v Region Jönköpings lan 2015-11-12 nr T 1781-14, Jönköping District Court [Tingsrätt] dismissed with costs her complaint of discrimination. Continue reading
Sweden, abortion and conscientious objection: Ellinor Grimmark