General Synod: Synod Members and NCI employees

In advance of next week’s meeting of General Synod, Tuesday 24th November – Wednesday 25th November, the document Guidance on dignity and behaviour for Synod members has been published, which relates to the effective working between Synod Members and employees of the National Church Institutions, (NCIs). Issued by William Fittall, Secretary General, and William Nye, Secretary General Designate, it states:

“Guidance for Synod Members and NCI employees working together effectively

The effectiveness of the Synod turns partly on the way that members and National Church Institutions colleagues work together. Members and staff have a shared responsibility to obligation to behave towards each other in a way which is professional and reflects the Christian character of the institution.

Additionally as employers we have a duty of care to ensure that all of our colleagues are safe and are treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. So, we would encourage Synod members to lead by example, including by demonstrating respect for others, valuing diversity and avoiding discriminatory conduct. Equally, members should at any time feel at liberty to contact the Clerk to the Synod or the Secretary General if they believe that a member of the staff team has not treated them with courtesy, dignity and respect.

We attach for information a copy of the “Dignity at Work” policy that applies within the NCIs. Contractors providing services to the Synod (e.g. security, catering staff and the staff of the Corporation of Church House and York University) will have similar policies in place. We also attach a copy of the ‘Nolan’ principles on “Standards in Public Life”.

While relations between members and staff have in the past generally been excellent there have just occasionally been incidents which should not have occurred. We very much hope, therefore that this guidance helps both members and staff in developing an effective working environment.

November 2015”

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