A fairly quiet week in which President Obama said that the US wouldn’t bail out the UK if it left the EU. But apart from that and a certain 90th birthday …
Religious objection to filing online
This week saw another ruling by the First-tier Tribunal (Tax) on a refusal on ostensibly religious grounds to file his VAT returns electronically. TJ Allatt rejected the appeal in Harvey (T/A Sun Ice Air Conditioning) v Revenue & Customs (VAT – APPEALS: Other) [2016] UKFTT 266 (TC): we noted it here. So far as we are aware, this is the third such appeal in as many years. You wait all that time for an appeal against online filing and three come along at once…
Railways and the Church
On Monday, we published a guest post by Michael Ainsworth on the law, railways and religion. It was an offer we wouldn’t dream of refusing and, needless to say, it proved extremely popular, with 550+ page views since publication. Which leads us to wonder, what is it about railways that seems to grab the attention of religious folk, especially (so far as we can see) Anglican clergy? Continue reading