After the vote for Brexit, where next? The constitutional and legal implications are outside our “comfort zone”; however, there is a lot of good analysis out in the blogosphere and we thought it might be worthwhile to provide occasional lists of helpful posts on other sites.
The process
EJIL: Talk!: Brexit: Is everything going to change in law, so that very little would change in fact? Jure Vidmar & Craig Eggett of Maastricht University on the possibility of “three parallel Brexits”.
- Guardian: Brexit won the vote, but for now we remain in the EU: Joshua Rozenberg being his usual cool, calm and analytical self.
- Jack of Kent blog: Five legal points about the Leave victory and Why the Article 50 notification is important.
- Public Law for Everyone: Brexit | Legally and constitutionally, what now? Mark Elliott writing on the morning after the referendum result.
- Public Law for Everyone: Brexit | Can the EU force the UK to trigger the two-year Brexit process? Mark Elliott on the potential stand-off between David Cameron’s desire to delay pressing the button marked ‘Article 50’ and the EU’s wish to begin negotiations as soon as possible.
- Public Law for Everyone: The road to Brexit: 16 things you need to know about the process of leaving the EU: Alan Renwick gives a point-by-point overview of what the road to Brexit will look like.
- UCL Constitution Unit Blog: In the event of a Leave vote Brexit would dominate Westminster for years: former Clerk of the House (and Frank’s former colleague) Lord Lisvane, aka Robert Rogers, explains why.
The Scottish dimension Continue reading