Archbishop Morgan: Same-sex relationships and the Bible

The Church in Wales issued the following Press Release on Dr Barry Morgan’s final address to the Governing Body of the Church in Wales. The Archbishop’s full address in now available here.

‘Biblical stories can reveal a new understanding of same-sex relationships’ – Archbishop

Studying the Bible in its full context can lead to a very different view of same-sex relationships than that traditionally held by the Church, the Archbishop of Wales said today (14 September 2016).

In his final address to the Governing Body of the Church in Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, responded to claims that he and his fellow bishops had been “swayed by the liberal culture of our age” and “ignored Holy Scripture” in issuing prayers earlier this year that could be said with same-sex couples following their civil partnership or marriage.

He showed how the Bible had more than one view on homosexuality, as well as other important issues, as the authors of its books developed and changed their opinions. To understand God’s will, he suggested, meant seeing the different views in the context of the Bible as a whole, and, in particular, the ministry of Jesus.

Dr Morgan, who will retire in January, said, “It absolutely will not do to quote texts from parts of the Bible in a simplistic way without reference to their contexts. One has to treat the Bible as a whole and discern, often through stories, the direction in which it is leading. Holy Scripture, in other words, contains not just ethical injunctions but stories, and stories convey truth about peoples’ understanding of God. After all, Jesus spent most of His life telling stories to get people to understand the nature and character of God.”

He compared biblical interpretations of same-sex relationships with those of slavery – a practice once defended by the Church. As opinions on that changed, he suggested, so may the Church’s view on same-sex relationships.

“In spite of all the passages in favour of slavery, when you examine the Scriptures as a whole and the ministry of Jesus in particular, you realise it is about freedom from all that diminishes and dehumanises people. No Christian I hope would today argue that slavery is good, but for nineteen centuries the Church accepted it and defended it. God through His Holy Spirit has led us into the truth of seeing things in a totally different way today and we are rightly horrified when we read about people who have been kept as slaves by others.

“What all this amounts to is that one cannot argue that there is one accepted traditional way of interpreting Scripture that is true and orthodox and all else is modern revisionism, culturally conditioned. Scripture itself is diverse and theological views held in some biblical books are reshaped in the light of experience by other writers….

“So taking the Bible as a whole and taking what it says very seriously may lead us into a very different view of same-sex relationships than the one traditionally upheld by the Church…..

“Given that each of the passages purported to be about homosexuality can be interpreted in more than one way, we come to the fundamental question as to whether taking the Bible as a whole, we can come to the same conclusions about committed, faithful, loving, same-sex relationships as we did about slavery.

“We are not thereby abandoning the Bible but trying to interpret it in a way that is consistent with the main thrust of the ministry of Jesus, who went out of His way to minister to those who were excluded, marginalised, and abandoned by His society because they were regarded as impure and unholy by the religious leaders of His day, either because of their gender, age, morality or sexuality. Taking Holy Scripture seriously means paying attention to Jesus’ ministry of inclusivity.”

The Archbishop concluded his address by quoting from a book edited by Andrew Davidson, called Amazing Love:

“We are most truly ourselves when we live for others and we gain life not by clutching to it but by giving it away. Living for others underlines the truest meaning of sexuality. Christians have discovered that most people flourish best when this living for others finds its focus in a commitment to one other person: when a couple make a lifelong commitment within which sex properly belongs.”

He said, “Those of us who were or are married have found that to be the case. Why would we want to deny such a possibility for those who are attracted to their own gender?”

The Archbishop’s full address will be available online here  after delivery.

The Governing Body is meeting at the University of Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, on September 14-15. Agenda and papers

This was posted on 14 September 2016.


Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "Archbishop Morgan: Same-sex relationships and the Bible" in Law & Religion UK, 14 September 2016,

3 thoughts on “Archbishop Morgan: Same-sex relationships and the Bible

  1. [Commenting here on the Archbishop’s full address] I would respectfully point out that the actions of Judah with Tamar are not equivalent to those of Lot and his daughters in the way it is set out in the Archbishop’s address, because Tamar is Judah’s daughter-in-law (i.e. not a blood relative). Thus it is incorrect to state that ‘David is a descendant of incest twice over’.

  2. Mmmm! There are no biblical ‘passages’ supporting slavery. Only some that deal with the reality of slavery – in a humane manner. The Christian church did not “support~” slavery for 2000 years. The Bishop’s arguments are disingenuous and spurious.

    • I rather think there are – it depends what you mean by ‘support – but I’m not going to get into an argument about it. And the Archbishop of Wales is quite capapble of defending himself.

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