On Monday, in reply to an Urgent Question from Lisa Nandy (Wigan, Lab), the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, gave a long answer on the remit, organisation, budget and staffing of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, as follows:
“I know that the whole House will agree with me when I say that the work of the inquiry is absolutely vital. Victims and survivors must have justice, and we must learn the lessons of the past. The inquiry’s remit is to examine whether institutions in England and Wales have failed to protect children from sexual abuse. It is an independent body, established under the Inquiries Act 2005. The Home Office is the sponsor Department, and I am responsible for the terms of reference, appointing the chair and panel members, and providing funding. Last year, the inquiry had a budget of £17.9 million and underspent by over £3 million. The appointment of staff and the day-to-day running are matters for the chair. Continue reading