Same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, representing Islam, charities & politics, burqas in Oz – and religious sensibilities on eBay…
….preceded yesterday’s weekend supplement of recent queries and comments
Following our initial collection of queries and comments in last week’s round-up, we compiled further “Quick Answers” which provide links within the blog to questions which have arisen from searches of, or comments during the past few days or so. This week these included: the common-law right to burial for suicides and the unbaptized; confession in the CofE; Methodist supernumeraries; the UK government review of sharia; s77 building act 1984; the EU-wide definition of ‘marriage’ and ‘family’, and much, much more. The content of these occasional “Saturday Supplements” does not necessarily represent our most-read blogs, but reflects current interests of readers accessing the site on (mostly) contemporary issues.
Setback for campaigners for same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland
On Thursday, judgment was handed down in the High Court in Belfast on two cases challenging Northern Ireland’s ban on same-sex marriage. A joint claim had been brought by two couples in civil partnerships and a further claim had been brought by a couple who married in England and who want their marriage legally recognised in Northern Ireland. Continue reading