A welcome return of this useful resource to the CofE web site
In the December issue of Archdeacons’ News, Bulletin No 30, Norman Boakes, the Archdeacons’ National Executive Officer, comments “Quite a number of archdeacons have been asking me what has happened to our page and resources on the Church of England website”. This is a question we have been pondering as the site is also a useful resource for those of us who are not archdeacons. At last the Archdeacons’ Forum pages have been restored and may be found under the Diocesan Resources in the part of the site helpfully titled MORE.
Bulletin No 30 comments:
“I am constantly assured that it will soon be posted. It was not part of the initial launch, and the need to sort out some of the parts which were not functioning well has delayed adding other information. It may even be on the website by the time you receive this. It is due to be in the MORE section, then part of Diocesan Resources, and I am told we will then find it in the menu on the left hand side”.
We are uncertain when these pages were updated, but are pleased to find they that they are now accessible, as are others such as the Canons and Legal Opinion which were not initially available when the site was updated. For those not wishing to navigate to these pages via the “MORE” route, the Search Engine will provide a quick link.