Isle of Man: The Bishop rides again…

Manx Radio reports that today, after a lengthy debate, Tynwald voted in favour of retaining the right of the Bishop of Sodor and Man to sit and vote in the island’s Legislative Council. Recommendation 2 of the Committee was as follows:

“a. The Lord Bishop should retain his vote.

(if the above recommendation is agreed to)

b. Any Member of Tynwald who has a right to vote should be under the same duty to exercise that vote as any other Member; this applies to the Lord Bishop.

(if the above recommendation is agreed to)

c. Any Member of Tynwald who has a right to vote should be under the same duty to attend and count towards the quorum as any other Member; this applies to the Lord Bishop.”

The House of Keys voted 13-11 in favour of the Bishop retaining the vote and the Legislative Council 5-3 in favour.

An amendment calling for the Bishop to be stripped of all voting powers and another that would have granted him a right to abstention were both narrowly defeated.

We hope to post a longer analysis when the Tynwald Hansard becomes available.

Cite this article as: Frank Cranmer, "Isle of Man: The Bishop rides again…" in Law & Religion UK, 21 February 2018,

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