The Times, here, The Telegraph, here, and Metro, here, all report that Nadia Eweida is suing British Airways again.
Readers will recall that in a case that went all the way to Strasbourg – Eweida and Others v United Kingdom [2013] ECHR 37 – she was successful in claiming that she had been unlawfully discriminated against, contrary to Regulation 3 of the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003 and in breach of her right to manifest her religion contrary to Article 9 ECHR, when British Airways refused to allow her to wear a cross and neck-chain with the uniform she wore as a check-in clerk.
Ms Eweida still works for the airline and, according to the three reports, she has lodged an Employment Tribunal claim against it, alleging victimisation and harassment for having spoken out. She further alleges that she was denied a break when she suffered eye-strain after an operation, being told instead to cover a flight gate – and was given a written warning by management when she refused to do so. She also claims that a new uniform policy introduced in 2017 that requires female staff to tuck their cravats into their blouses was designed to make it harder for her to wear her cross, which she now has to place on top of her cravat.
She told the media that “It is victimisation over the years as a result of the cross case. They have never forgiven me and they never let it go. I want my day in court.” Her case has been set down for an oral hearing on 26 October at Watford.
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