Below is a further compilation of “Quick Answers” to questions which have arisen from searches of, or comments during the past few weeks, providing links to our blog posts address these issues.
As before, the topics covered in these occasional posts do not necessarily represent our most-read blogs, but reflects the current interests of readers accessing the site on (mostly) contemporary issues.
Question | Quick Answer | L&RUK Answer |
no bible verses allowed in registry office | Marriages (Approved Premises) Regulations 1995 SI 510 “11. Any reading, music, words or performance which forms part of a ceremony of marriage celebrated on the premises must be secular in nature” | “Religious” content of civil marriage ceremonies, (130705). |
Church of England baptism for children | Clergy have a duty to baptise anyone in their cure, Canon B 22 Of the baptism of infants | Baptism, Canon Law and the Church, (120903). |
the seal of the confessional and legal confidentiality | Recent summary in IICSA hearing. | |
church of England charity registration number | Charities (Exception from Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, (120710). | |
cremation of fetus uk law | ‘Foetus’ taken to mean the embryo from 8 weeks (56days) post-fertilisation to birth; has no legal rights. | Cremation, incineration and the foetus, (140327). |
is it illegal to dress as a priest | No. | Is it an offence to impersonate a cleric? – thoughts on deposition from Holy Orders, (150206). |
yoga classes on methodist premises, | Can a religious group discriminate when hiring its premises? (120929). | Hiring Church Premises – Some further thoughts, (121003). |
Lord Alton twins | Lords Hansard, 21 Jan 2008, Vol 698 (37) Col 107 | The Guardian, Court annuls marriage between twins separated at birth, (080112). |
IICSA Downside report | IICSA Report into Ampleforth and Downside, (180809). | HL Hansard, 10 September 2018, Vol 792, Col 2093 |
the uk have to honour religious holidays? | Public holidays, religion and the law, (140728). | |
Church of Scotland doctrine re gay rights | Same sex marriage and the Church of Scotland, (180521) | |
promession services in England | Little information on promession, though some on resomation. | Alternative cremation option “on hold”, (171221). |
Case law related questions
Question | Quick Answer | L&RUK Answer |
zoubida barik | Lawyers in hijabs? Barik Edidi v Spain, (160519). |
Q&A on other areas of ecclesiastical law
- Mass for the Space Force in the Extraterrestrial Form
- If Francis resigned… then what?
- How do you say “gay lobby” in Latin?
- Can I go to a wedding at an SSPX chapel?
“Canon Law Made Easy”, Cathy Caridi
- Do Sisters have to wear their habits?
- Why would I need to convert in order to get married?
- When can a church be used for Non-Liturgical events?
- Why is the priest telling me not to talk to a canon lawyer?
Links to sources of frequently sought data
- UK legislation, including CofE Measures:
- UK statistics, various areas: Office for National Statistics, (ONS)
For those for whom the architecture of the Church of England’s revised web site is still problematic, we have posted some quick links to areas of potential interest to ecclesiastical lawyers (and clergy), here, (law & policy); here, (clergy and General Synod) and here, (legal opinions and other guidance).
Unless marked §, the questions are the search terms used, verbatim; questions arising externally to the blog, (twitter/other), are marked the dates in parentheses are in the format (yymmdd). As stated in our General Terms and Conditions, at L&RUK we do not give legal advice, or purport to do s