More answers to readers’ queries and comments
Below is a further compilation of “Quick Answers” to questions which have arisen from searches of, or comments during recent weeks, providing links to our blog posts addressing these issues.
As before, the topics covered in these occasional posts do not necessarily represent our most-read blogs, but reflects the current interests of readers accessing the site on (mostly) contemporary issues.
Question | Quick Answer | L&RUK Answer |
calling the bans wedding Scotland | Calling of banns as a prerequisite to marriage abolished by s 27 Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977, which came into force 1 January 1978. | Banns of marriage – their development and future, (181208). |
justin wellby permits masonic service in canterbury cathedral | Canterbury Cathedral: Freemasons Service, (170228). | |
archdeacons temporary licence | Part 8, Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015 | |
IISA Ealing Abbey transcript | See: Law and religion round-up – 10th February, (190210), first item. | See also: Charity Commission Inquiry: Birmingham Diocesan Trust, (190214). |
what is the title for a Methodist minister | Debtrett’s Forms of Address. | |
certificate of baptism fee church of England | Increased fee for issue of Marriage Certificate, (190219). | Oxford Diocesan Registry, Marriage Certificate Fees 2019. |
legality of church bells | Church bells and the law, (180213). | CofE Legal Advice, Church Building: Bells, (2008). |
Case law related queries
Question | Quick Answer | L&RUK Answer |
r (z and others) v (1) hackney lbc and (2) agudas israel housing association [2019] | Social housing and religion: R (Z & Ors) v Hackney LBC, (190207). | |
banisteriopsis caapi uk | Controlled drugs, religion and Article 9: Beneficent Spiritist Center União Do Vegetal, (170731). | |
baby loup case | France and the Islamic veil – again: Baby-Loup, (140715). |
Church of England Parochial Fees 2019
Since first posting Church of England parochial fees 2019 on 18 November 2018, this has been our most accessed post; an explanation of the calculation of these fees and the timing of their publication is here. The February 2019 General Synod approved a new scheme for parochial fees which will be applicable for the years 2020 to 2024 inclusive; these are discussed in our post Church of England Parochial Fees – Changes for 2020 to 2024. In addition, the fee for the issue of a Marriage Certificate has been increased to £11.00 with effect from 16 February 2019 and that the two-tier fee system for church weddings has been replaced with a single fee regardless of when the Certificate is issued.
Q&A on other areas of ecclesiastical law
“Canon Law Made Easy”, Cathy Caridi
- When Does a Catholic Book Need an Imprimatur?
- Can the Pastor Set a Minimum Age for Baptism?
- What Makes a Baptism Catholic?
- Does a Convert Become a Latin or an Eastern Catholic?
- What’s the Difference Between a Nun and a Consecrated Virgin?
Links to sources of frequently sought data
- UK legislation, including CofE Measures:
- UK statistics, various areas: Office for National Statistics, (ONS)
The Church of England’s revised web site was introduced over a year ago; since then, a number of improvements have been made, and users have become more familiar with the site’s architecture. Nevertheless, we have posted some quick links to areas of potential interest to ecclesiastical lawyers (and clergy), here, (law & policy); here, (clergy and General Synod) and here, (legal opinions and other guidance). Links to CBC Guidance on the new ChurchCare pages on the CofE web site are in preparation.
Unless marked §, the questions are the search terms used, verbatim; questions arising externally to the blog, (twitter/other), are marked the dates in parentheses are in the format (yymmdd). Our “Quick Answer” indicates when the topic of the query was last addressed on the blog. As stated in our General Terms and Conditions, at L&RUK we do not give legal advice, or purport to do so.