Safeguarding – Chester Diocese

The Archbishop of York has issued a statement on the safeguarding arrangements in Chester Diocese. Bishop Peter has also released a statement  on the diocesan web site. Both are reproduced below.

Statement on safeguarding arrangements in Chester Diocese


The Archbishop of York has been informed, in the course of a conversation with the Bishop of Chester, Peter Forster, that all safeguarding arrangements in the diocese will until further notice be led by the Bishop of Birkenhead, Keith Sinclair.

An Instrument of Delegation has been signed by the Bishop of Chester to formalise this change of episcopal responsibilities within the Diocese.

Changes to safeguarding arrangements

A statement from Bishop Peter regarding safeguarding arrangements in the Diocese of Chester:

28 March 2019

A statement from Bishop Peter Forster: 

“I have asked the Bishop of Birkenhead, Keith Sinclair, to lead on all safeguarding arrangements in the Diocese of Chester and have formally delegated this responsibility to him with immediate effect.

“I have taken this decision in response to recent comment into my handling of the Gordon Dickenson case in 2009.

“An independent review will seek to identify where any failures in procedures arose, and what lessons can be learned and I look forward to contributing to the review and to giving a full account of my actions in relation to this matter.

“The Diocese of Chester takes seriously its safeguarding responsibilities at every level. Whilst an independent review into my actions takes place, I recognise that I should not continue to lead the safeguarding arrangements in the Diocese.

“I will continue in all other duties relating to my role of Bishop of Chester.

“I will not be making any further public comments in relation to this matter until the outcome of the independent review.”

Page last updated: 29th Mar 2019 7:46 AM


The recent criticism of the Bishop of Chester for not reporting a paedophile priest was summarized in Thinking Anglicans on 17 March 2019. The legal significance of the Instrument of Delegation is addressed in the Opinion of the General Synod Legal Advisory Commission Delegation of Episcopal Functions, issued in February 2018.

Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "Safeguarding – Chester Diocese" in Law & Religion UK, 29 March 2019,

3 thoughts on “Safeguarding – Chester Diocese

  1. This fuller statement was posted yesterday on the Chester Diocesan website:

    28 March 2019
    A statement from Bishop Peter Forster:
    “I have asked the Bishop of Birkenhead, Keith Sinclair, to lead on all safeguarding arrangements in the Diocese of Chester and have formally delegated this responsibility to him with immediate effect.
    “I have taken this decision in response to recent comment into my handling of the Gordon Dickenson case in 2009.
    “An independent review will seek to identify where any failures in procedures arose, and what lessons can be learned and I look forward to contributing to the review and to giving a full account of my actions in relation to this matter.
    “The Diocese of Chester takes seriously its safeguarding responsibilities at every level. Whilst an independent review into my actions takes place, I recognise that I should not continue to lead the safeguarding arrangements in the Diocese.
    “I will continue in all other duties relating to my role of Bishop of Chester.
    “I will not be making any further public comments in relation to this matter until the outcome of the independent review.”

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