More answers to readers’ queries and comments
Below is a further compilation of “Quick Answers” to questions which have arisen from searches of, or comments during recent weeks, providing links to our blog posts addressing these issues.
As before, the topics covered in these occasional posts do not necessarily represent our most-read blogs, but reflects the current interests of readers accessing the site on (mostly) contemporary issues.
In some cases, the answers given below may not provide a complete answer to the subject of the search, but hopefully, should provide some basic information on the topic as we discerned the requirements from the sometimes cryptic search terms.
Question | Quick Answer | L&RUK Answer |
are clean 340grm jam jars (???) | Jam-jars: the last word, (121030), | |
grave desecration law uk | CofE Churchyards: Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860. | Burial Authority cemetery: s18 Local Authorities’ Cemeteries Order 1977, as am. by Local Authorities’ (Amendment) Order 1986. |
how many minsters are there in the uk | CofE Ministry Statistics 2017 (published August 2018). | Ministry Statistics 2018 (due summer 2019) |
cctv church faculty | CCTV in Churches – windows into men’s souls?, (180301). | See also Parishes and the “GDPR”, (180511). |
visitation in the church of england | See Canon G 5 Of visitations. “Every archbishop, bishop, and archdeacon has the right to visit…”. | See Visitations on Clergy of CofE Database. |
jehovahs [Witnesses!] discrimination and prejudice § | The JW’s web site has Prejudice and Discrimination—Getting to the Roots (August 2009). | |
legislative reform (presentation of benefices) order 2018 | Legislative Reform (Patronage of Benefices) Order 2019. | |
nhs scotland end of life culteral and spirutual beliefs | End-of-life care and spiritual beliefs, (170302). | |
vergers duties at funerals | Determined locally. | |
who regulates parochial church England | “Governance at parish level is part of the overall governance framework of the diocese and wider Church or England”. | See Advice on governance from the Diocese of London. |
explanation of canon b20 | CofE Opinion, Parish Music: organists and choirmasters and church musicians. | Parish Music Guidance: Ministers and organists, (170525), Part 1 of 3. |
ordination vs impersonation | Is it an offence to impersonate a cleric? – thoughts on deposition from Holy Orders, (150206). |
Case law related queries
Question | Quick Answer | L&RUK Answer |
Scottish independence as belief in scope of equality act 2010 | Scottish independence as a protected philosophical belief? McEleny round three, (190311). | |
gaum v van rensburg summary | Equality and same sex relationships vs judicial entanglement in religion: Gaum v Van Rensburg, (190401). | |
tfl ex-gay | ‘Ex-gay’ London bus advert ban not improper use of Mayor’s power, (140731). |
Q&A on other areas of ecclesiastical law
Canon Law Made Easy, Cathy Caridi
Links to sources of frequently sought data
- UK legislation, including CofE Measures:
- UK statistics, various areas: Office for National Statistics, (ONS)
Links to sources of frequently sought data
- UK legislation, including CofE Measures:
- UK statistics, various areas: Office for National Statistics, (ONS)
- Church of England Parochial Fees: Life events parochial fees and guidance.
Quick links to Church of England web pages
- General Overview
- Clergy and General Synod
- Legal Opinions and other guidance
- ChurchCare Guidance Notes
Unless marked §, the questions are the search terms used, verbatim; questions arising externally to the blog, (twitter/other), are marked the dates in parentheses are in the format (yymmdd). Our “Quick Answer” indicates when the topic of the query was last addressed on the blog. As stated in our General Terms and Conditions, at L&RUK we do not give legal or technical advice, or purport to do so.