Christ Church, Oxford, has published the following announcement concerning a complaint raised in September 2018 against the Dean, The Very Revd. Professor Martyn Percy. A subsequent statement welcomed Dr Percy back to Cathedral duties. Also below is the response from the Bishop of Oxford.
Tribunal outcome: Christ Church Statement
As required by Christ Church’s Statutes, an internal tribunal was convened to consider a complaint raised against the Dean in September 2018. Following a thorough investigation, the tribunal has decided that the charges are not upheld and that there is no cause to remove the Dean as Head of House. However, the tribunal made some criticism of the Dean’s conduct and found that there was one breach of his fiduciary duty.
We can therefore announce that Martyn Percy will resume his duties as Dean of Christ Church, on his return from holiday on 27th August. The complaint process has now concluded.
Statement from Bishop of Oxford
The Very Revd. Professor Martyn Percy
Wednesday 21 August 2019: following the announcement by Christ Church this evening, the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, has issued this statement:
“I am delighted to learn that this matter is now resolved. I look forward to seeing Martyn return to the Cathedral and his duties as Dean of Christ Church. This news will be widely welcomed across the Diocese of Oxford. These have been testing times for all involved, and my prayers are with Martyn and Emma, the Chapter and wider College in the coming months.”
+Steven Oxford