Archbishop Justin Welby has issued the following statement in which he indicates that subject to certain conditions, yet to be decided, he would in principle be willing to chair the Citizens’ Forum on Brexit. The statement was made in response to a letter from six MPs: Hilary Benn, Yvette Cooper, Frank Field, Norman Lamb, Angus MacNeil and Dame Caroline Spelman.
Archbishop Justin Welby’s response to invitation to chair Citizens’ Forum on Brexit
In response to the proposal of a Citizens’ Forum on Brexit, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, said today:
“It is an unexpected privilege to be asked to chair this proposed Citizens’ Forum on Brexit. In the past this kind of gathering has, in many places and in difficult situations, opened the way for careful deliberation if at the right time and genuinely representative.
“I am honoured to be approached and would be willing to accept in principle, subject to some conditions which have not yet been met. The main three are first, and indispensably, that the forum should not be a Trojan horse intended to delay or prevent Brexit in any particular form. That power can only be exercised by the government and MPs in parliament. A forum must be open to all possibilities. Second, that it has cross party support (although its members will not be politicians). Third, the process must have time to be properly organised.
“Jesus Christ is the source of reconciliation and healing for individuals and society. It is obviously right that among many others the churches should contribute to the emergence of a dynamic and united country post-Brexit, however it may be achieved. Every one of us must play the part they can in this task.
“The need for national healing and eventually for a move towards reconciliation is essential, and will take much time, a deep commitment to the common good, and contributions from every source. This Forum is only one of many different efforts being made inside the political world and across the country before and after Brexit. Every effort counts.
“Let us pray for all those in government, parliament and political leadership. Let us pray for the people of this country whose lives will be affected in many ways by the momentous decisions that are made.”