Anglican Communion – developments in Rwanda

What’s in a name … 

… well quite a lot, perhaps, in relation to future developments in the Anglican Communion, following the latest Gafcon monthly newsletter. At the invitation of the Gafcon chairman, Archbishop Foley Beach, the monthly newsletter for September was written by Laurent Mbanda, Archbishop of Rwanda, and is prefaced by the statement:

Some want us to accept that it is essential to being Anglican that you are recognised by Canterbury, but we find our identity first and foremost through our Biblical and Anglican doctrinal inheritance in Christ.

Following a review of development in Rwanda – an example of “one way in which Gafcon is reaching Anglicans at the grassroots and equipping for mission” – Archbishop Laurent writes:

“…we do need to ensure that we have global Anglican Communion structures which are fit for purpose …

“As part of the continuing biblical realignment of our Anglican Communion, I am pleased to announce that the Synod of the Anglican Church of Rwanda has passed a resolution to change our name from ‘Province de l’ Eglise Anglicane au Rwanda’ to simply ‘Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda’.

Removing the word ‘Province’ is a significant change. We are not subjects. Some want us to accept that it is essential to being Anglican that you are recognised by Canterbury, but we find our identity first and foremost through our Biblical and Anglican doctrinal inheritance in Christ. The Jerusalem Statement and Declaration of 2008 concluded ‘We can only come to the devastating conclusion that ‘we are a global Communion with a colonial structure’’. We seek only to be a colony of heaven!”

He also notes that he is very much looking forward to welcoming bishops and their spouses from around the world to the Kigali 2020 Conference from 9th-14th June.

Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "Anglican Communion – developments in Rwanda" in Law & Religion UK, 9 October 2019,

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