The Church of England’s Tables of Parochial Fees from 1 January 2020* (“the Table”), prepared by the Archbishops’ Council, is now available on the C of E website as an A3 table, an A4 table, and as a short A4 summary. The basic fees are listed below, but readers are advised to visit the Church’s website to read the accompanying notes. An explanation of the calculation of these fees and the timing of their publication is below.
* The Church of England’s Tables of Parochial Fees from 1 January 2022 are summarized here.
The following costs are set by the Church of England nationally and are the same for every church. The basic legal fees include the cost of the vicar, the church, calling the banns, a banns certificate, the marriage certificate, lighting and all administration.
- Publication of banns: £31
- Certificate of banns, if required: £14
- Marriage service: £463
- Marriage certificate at registration, if required: £11
For a couple marrying in their own parish (providing both live there) the cost is £505; if a couple marry away from where they live, the cost is £550. Not covered are extras such as the costs of choir, organist, bellringers, verger &c., for which new advice was issued in February 2019. These extras are summarized below.
A Church of England funeral is not necessarily in a church. The minister can lead the whole funeral service in a different place, or, a church service can be incorporated into part of the day, wherever the funeral takes place. Further information is here. The costs are:
- Service (in church, cemetery, or crematorium): £199
- Burial in churchyard, preceding or following on from service in church: £318
- Burial in churchyard, on separate occasion or without service in church: £347
- Burial in cemetery or cremation immediately preceding or following on from service in church: £28
- Burial certificate, if required: £14
These normally range from £45.00 to £142.00 depending on the type and size of the monument required. Note 2 in the Table defines ‘monument’ as including headstone, cross, kerb, border, vase, chain, railing, tablet, plaque, marker, flatstone, tombstone or monument or tomb of any other kind.
There is no fee for a service of baptism
- Certificate of baptism, if required: £14
Searches in church registers
- For the first hour (inclusive of one copy of an entry in certain registers): £31.00
- For each subsequent hour or part of an hour £31.00
- Additional copies of entries: £14.00
Access to such records is subject to the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978, S20: Searches of certain register books.
At its February session on 21 February 2019, General Synod approved the Parochial Fees and Scheduled Matters Amending Order 2019, which will make provision for parochial fees for the years 2020 to 2024, inclusive. This is reported in our post, Church of England Parochial Fees – Changes for 2020 to 2024. The Parochial Fees for 2020 have been based upon the Consumer Prices Index for August 2019, reported by the Office for National Statistics on 18 September 2019.
The fees shown in the Church’s Table do not include charges for heating, the services of a verger, music (e.g. organist, choir), bells, and flowers, which are fixed by the Parochial Church Council. In the case of a marriage service or a funeral service in church, any costs and expenses incurred in respect of routine administration (including arranging dates and times and the making of entries in registers), making the church available and lighting it are included in the fee prescribed as payable to the Parochial Church Council. Our post, New advice on “extras” for weddings and funerals, summarizes the current advice on the additional costs not included in the statutory fees.
Update, 25 November 2019 – Parochial Fees for 2021
The Parochial Fees for 2021 were published on 25 November 2020 and are summarised in our post Church of England Parochial Fees 2021.
Is there a document showing the 2020 fees so that it can be displayed on our notice boards?
The CofE has a table of the 2020 parochial fees in A3 and A4 format, and also a short summary, also in A4 size. dp
If I am reading the fees correctly PCC no longer have any fee from doing a crem funeral. This was a small but steady income for some parishes.
Yes, Lis, you a re correct – and also not the only one who has raised this issue. The Explanatory Note on this change states:
12. The 2014 Order provides for a PCC to receive a small fee (currently £30) where a funeral service takes place at a crematorium or cemetery. The Council takes the view that the new Order should not provide for a fee to be payable to a PCC for crematorium or cemetery funerals. First there is no clear justification for a PCC to receive a fee where a funeral takes place in a building or other place for which the PCC has no responsibility (unlike the position where a funeral takes place in a church or churchyard). Secondly, administration of this fee is far from straightforward because of the difficulty in identifying the PCC to whom the fee should go…”
Thanks David.
I understand the logic but it will hit some parishes hard. I doubt if the DBF will reduce the Parish Share accordingly. Lis
Indeed. dp
I have been asked to inter the ashes of a pair of sisters in the municipal cemetery.. All is in order but I need to know if the fee charged for the diocese should be twice the fee for one set of ashes, or, as it is one ceremony and the offices of one anglican priest required, whether I should charge the rate for one set of ashes?
Please let me know. Thankyou
Rev Linda Chapman (PTO, Diocese of Newcastle)
Thank you for your query Linda. Whilst the basic fees are set nationally, their interpretation in cases such as yours is a diocesan matter, and the Diocesan Registrar will be in a position to indicated what fees apply. Regards, DavidP
Can you please advise me when the Parochial Fees table is likely to be available for 2021. I Am wanting to write to the local undertakers advising our charges for 2021.
Thank you
The Parochial Fees for 2021 will be based upon the Consumer Prices Index for August 2020, which was reported by the Office for National Statistics on 16 September 2020. There is a draft post waiting to go as soon as the Church publishes the Table to 2021.
Update: The fees are now published and are summarized in our post Church of England Parochial Fees 20211