Brexit: conclusions of the European Council, 13 December

Today, Friday 13 December, the European Council adopted the following conclusions in relation to Article 50, in light of the UK General Election result:

“1. The European Council reiterates its commitment to an orderly withdrawal on the basis of the Withdrawal Agreement and calls for its timely ratification and effective implementation.

2. The European Council reconfirms its desire to establish as close as possible a future relationship with the UK in line with the Political Declaration and respecting the previously agreed European Council’s guidelines, as well as statements and declarations, notably those of 25 November 2018. The future relationship will have to be based on a balance of rights and obligations and ensure a level playing field.

3. To this end the European Council invites the Commission to submit to the Council a draft comprehensive mandate for a future relationship with the UK immediately after its withdrawal. It invites the General Affairs Council to adopt swiftly the relevant decisions and negotiating mandate.

4. The European Council welcomes the Commission’s decision to reappoint Michel Barnier for the negotiations on the future relationship. The negotiations will continue to take place in a coherent manner and in unity and transparency with all Member States. The negotiations will be conducted in continuous coordination and permanent dialogue with the Council and its preparatory bodies.

5. The European Council will follow negotiations closely and agree further general political directions as necessary. Between European Council meetings, the General Affairs Council and Coreper, assisted by a dedicated Working Party, will ensure that the negotiations are conducted in line with the overall positions and principles agreed by the European Council as well as the Council’s negotiating mandate, and provide further guidance as necessary fully consistent with the EU’s best interest and with the aim of reaching a result that is fair and equitable for all Member States and in the interest of our citizens.”

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