More answers to readers’ queries and comments – February

More answers to readers’ queries and comments

Below is a further compilation of “Quick Answers” to questions which have recently arisen from searches of, or comments during recent weeks, providing links to our blog posts addressing these issues.

1. Questions and answers

Question Quick Answer L&RUK Answer
why does a choir not wear the surplice when rehearsing Depends upon custom and practice of church/ cathedral. Also, rehearsal may be in song school or elsewhere. As a rule, only wear surplice for service; cassocks for rehearsal if visitors present as in cathedral.
Church of England fees for weddings and funerals 2020 Summarized in our post Church of England Parochial Fees 2020. On the C of E website as an A3 table, an A4 table, and as a short A4 summary.
hustings in church of england Churches, hustings and the General Election: updated, (170504).
Why do churches ring their bells today (these days?) CCCBR states: bells are mostly rung for: church services
weddings; special occasions; …
… also: in remembrance;
in competition;
ringers’ practice; and for pleasure.
have ecclesiastical courts any power today Yes, but now restricted to faculty jurisdiction.
elliott review Findings, here. CofE abuse inquiry findings – Elliott Review, (160316).
legislation uk “public clock” s2 Parish Councils Act 1957 See also HC Deb 23 February 1905 vol 141 cc1102-3

2. Case law related queries

Question Quick Answer L&RUK Answer
re r (a minor) (residence: religion) [1993] 2 flr 16 Cited in Manifestation of belief and religious upbringing: when parents disagree, (21013) G (Children), Re [2012] EWCA Civ 1233 (4 October 2012)

3. Top ten L&R UK posts 25 January 2020 to 24 February 2020

4. Q&A on other areas of ecclesiastical law

“Canon Law Made Easy, Cathy Caridi

Unless marked §, the questions are the search terms used, verbatim; questions arising externally to the blog, (twitter/other), are marked ‡; the dates in parentheses are in the format (yymmdd). Our “Quick Answer” indicates when the topic of the query was last addressed on the blog. As stated in our General Terms and Conditions, at L&RUK we do not give legal advice, or purport to do so.

Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "More answers to readers’ queries and comments – February" in Law & Religion UK, 24 February 2020,

3 thoughts on “More answers to readers’ queries and comments – February

  1. David —

    I wonder whether the person who asked about “hustings in church of england” was more interested in hustings for elections to the General Synod. This is the advice in the draft guidance (GS Misc 1247) ahead of the 2020 elections this autumn and circulated to GS members recently:

    “64. Once the voting period begins, the possibility arises of holding one or more hustings meetings. Hustings are neither required nor regulated by the election rules. The decision on whether to hold them should be a matter for each presiding officer, in consultation with the clerical or lay members (as the case may be) of the bishop’s council and standing committee. (That does not prevent others in the diocese from assisting the presiding officer with the organisation of the hustings.) It may be prudent to decide at an early stage whether to hold hustings and, if they are to be held, what the arrangements for them are to be, so that details can be included with invitations to vote when they are issued. If hustings are held, all candidates and electors must be informed of the date, time and location of the hustings, and the chair must ensure that candidates who choose to participate are treated equally.

    65. Presiding officers will recognise that, in the light of technological advances, there are now other means than hustings to allow candidates to engage with the electorate. They are accordingly encouraged to be creative in finding ways to enable that to happen (for example, through an online forum). However, if online facilities are provided for that purpose, presiding officers should take care to ensure both that there are clear rules for their use (especially in relation to their moderation) and that they are enforced promptly and consistently, so as to avoid the possibility of any candidate being unfairly prejudiced or defamed. For example, every question should be put to each candidate and must therefore be a question capable of being given a meaningful answer by each candidate. Questions should not, accordingly, be targeted at any one candidate in particular. Presiding officers should also discourage further discussion between electors and a particular candidate.

    66. Presiding officers should make it clear to candidates and electors that participation in hustings or any online or other electronic equivalent is optional and that, if candidates choose to take part, they cannot be required to answer any particular questions.”

  2. Thanks David. A timely contribution, even if the questioner was not referring to General Synod. One sometimes has to guess, like the question which I took to refer to on the robing of choirs for rehearsal. dp

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