Law and religion round-up – 5th April

‘Someone’s got to be summonsed!’
So that was decided upon

The Lion and Albert, Marriott Edgar

Easter eggs?

Professor David Mead, of UEA Law School, suggests that leaving home solely to buy them is not permitted and is unconvinced about the relevance of Article 9: “I struggle to see how Easter eggs become basic necessities as a result simply of my (non) religious beliefs – how it is such a manifestation?” Adam Wagner suggests that a more pertinent Article 9 example might be food for Passover, which begins this week “We have a ‘seder’, a ritual meal, which includes pretty odd items such as a burned lamb’s bone. This would be a ‘basic necessity’ if interpreted with Art 9 in mind”. While Student Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber just sends up the whole thing something rotten, here.

Our own view, FWIW, is that since hot-cross buns seem to be a year-round supermarket staple, their religious significance is precisely zilch (if they ever had any outside the bounds of folk-religion, that is).

Methodist Conference to meet “in an alternative form”

The Methodist Council has announced that it will not be possible for the Conference to meet as planned in June and will look at ways for the Conference to meet in an alternative form. Continue reading