New COVID-19 legislation and guidance: to 12 September

This is a weekly update on the legislation and guidance on coronavirus COVID-19 up to 12 September 2020; it is intended as a quick reference to the latest developments. New items will be added throughout each week as they become available, and at the same time as they are included in COVID-19 Coronavirus: legislation and guidance (II) which has links to other weekly updates.

Sunday 6 September to Saturday 12 September

Law and Religion UK


Local lockdown restrictions


Guidance from other bodies

Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "New COVID-19 legislation and guidance: to 12 September" in Law & Religion UK, 7 September 2020,

3 thoughts on “New COVID-19 legislation and guidance: to 12 September

  1. Pingback: COVID-19 Coronavirus: legislation and guidance | Law & Religion UK

    • The new legislation covering the “rule of six” comes into force in 7½ hours’ time, but until that legislation is made available, it is not possible to predict how it will affect various church activities. After its publication, whenever that is, the Church of England will update its own guidance, so it could be a day or so before this is published. We will be reporting this on this blog.

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