Welsh Government:  guidance on singing over the Christmas period

The Welsh Government has published guidance on carol-singing and traditions such as plygain traditional Welsh carols and calennig and Mari Lwyd at the New YearIt covers singing beyond formal worship, but the two key paragraphs regarding worship are as follows:

Carol services in places of worship can take place subject to the capacity of the building defined by risk assessment and subject to face coverings being worn and 2m physical distancing being in place between household groups. This can include performance by a choir and/or musicians but congregational singing should be avoided. It is worth noting that those taking part in such a service may not be regular attendees at a place of worship so the responsibility of explaining the behaviour expected of those attending including not joining in the singing falls to the organisers of the place of worship.  Service organisers may wish to consider ticket only admission to ensure capacity numbers are not exceeded and provide the facility to explain requirements in advance.” Continue reading