A week when the AZ vaccine became a European issue, and lessons were learned on electronic redacting
End of life care and “best interests”: a further update
We have previously noted the proceedings the case of RS, a Polish citizen, who had had a heart attack in November 2020 and had suffered serious brain-damage as a result of oxygen deprivation. In brief, his wife and the NHS Hospital Trust caring for him wanted him to receive palliative care only rather than life-sustaining treatment, while his birth family, from whom he was estranged, had argued – unsuccessfully – that, as a Roman Catholic, RS would wish to be kept alive: see JB v University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust & Anor [2020] EWCA Civ 1772 and Z v University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust & Ors [2020] EWCOP 69.
On 18 January, the case returned to the Court of Protection yet again as Re RS [2021] EWCOP 6. Continue reading