Weddings in England: “Step 2” relaxation of lockdown

On 16 March 2021, The Weddings Taskforce* issued an update Statement regarding Weddings in England in Step 2 (April 12th – May 17th) (“the Statement”) which reported that it had received confirmation that, between, 12th April and 16th May 2021, weddings and receptions will only be permitted for 15 guests in places of worship, public buildings, locations and outdoor settings that are already permitted to open. This noted that the Taskforce “has been seeking clarity over inconsistencies and ambiguities between the roadmap announcements (and accompanying Government-produced graphics), the ‘COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021’ published 22nd February, and the ‘Re-opening businesses and venues in England’ published 24th February by the Cabinet Office”. Continue reading