This post includes a rolling update of new legislation and guidance on coronavirus COVID-19 during the week commencing 25th May 2021 *.
Sunday 25 April to Saturday 1 May
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 8) Regulations 2021, SI 2021/502 (W.150). Various amendments to the “principal Regulations”, S.I. 2020/1609 (W. 335).
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 9) Regulations 2021, SI 2021/542 (W.154). The amendments provide that from 3 May 2021 the whole of Wales is fully at Alert Level 3 and the restrictions and requirements set out in Schedule 3 to the principal Regulations apply. The temporary (transitional) restrictions and requirements set out in Schedule 3A, which have applied to the whole of Wales since 27 March 2021, are revoked.
- (COVID-19) Coronavirus restrictions: what you can and cannot do MHCLG, (26 April 2021).
- Coronavirus: A history of English lockdown laws, House of Commons Library, Research Briefing, (30 April 2021).§
Church in Wales
Church of England‡
Last updated: Monday 19 April, 15:27
Law and Religion UK
- Law and religion round-up – 25 April. Wedding news (relaxation of lockdown), and summary of the report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services: Policing in the pandemic – The police response to the coronavirus pandemic during 2020, (April 2021).
Joint Committee on Human Rights
- Press Release: Joint Committee on Human Rights: Every Fixed Penalty Notice issued under coronavirus Regulations must be reviewed, Includes links to report. (27 April 2021).
- Representative Body of the Church in Wales: Coronavirus – COVID-19: Guidance on music and the playing of church organs: A Practical Advice Update. During move from alert level 4 to alert level 3, supra. (27 April 2021).
- COVID-19: Guidance for Safe Group Music-making in Church. 7 April, incorporating Westminster Government announcements on 26 March and 7
April 2021.
- Wales Guidance: moving to Alert Level 3 from 3 May onwards. This guidance was developed from the England guidance and agreed with the Church in Wales; as with the CCCBR guidance for England published last week, this should be read in conjunction with the recently update guidance note about individual risks.
Post last updated, 4 May at 08:40.
* Information on COVID-19 on L&RUK
These updates are published at the start of each week; they are not reissued, but new items are added throughout the week as they become available, providing a “rolling update” of the latest developments during the current week. They are also added to COVID-19 Coronavirus: legislation and guidance which is the main source of information, and listed with the newest items last (unlike the CofE documents, infra); items in the weekly updates yet to be added are marked “§“. The updates for the earlier weeks are here.
Church of England documents are listed under their full title and issue number, in the same order as they appear on the Church’s web site.