COVID-19 legislation and guidance: update to 8 May

This post includes a rolling update of new legislation and guidance on coronavirus COVID-19 during the week commencing 2 May 2021*.

Sunday 2 May 2021 to Saturday 8 May 2021


Northern Ireland


  • Limit on mourners at funerals to be removed, Legal limit on numbers of mourners at funerals to be removed in England at Step 3 of the roadmap; Venues such as places of worship to set limits based on individual capacity; All organisers must continue to be Covid secure and follow social distancing rules, Press Release, MHCLG, (3 May 2021).

Church of England

Last updated: Tuesday 4 May, 00:15§

Updated FAQs:

  • Can we host children and youth groups? in the Community support section
  • How should we complete a risk assessment for our church building? in the Safety, safeguarding and wellbeing section
  • What guidance is in place for clergy, church workers and volunteers who are deemed to be at additional risk? in the Safety, safeguarding and wellbeing section

New FAQs

    • What resources are available to support mental health and emotional well-being? in the Community support section

Law and Religion UK

Post last updated,  4 M5ay 2021 at 08:37. 

* Information on COVID-19 on L&RUK

These updates are published at the start of each week; they are not reissued, but new items are added throughout the week as they become available, providing a “rolling update” of the latest developments during the current week. They are also added to COVID-19 Coronavirus: legislation and guidance which is  the main source of  information, and listed with the newest items last (unlike the CofE documents, infra); items in the weekly updates yet to be added are marked “§“.  The updates for the earlier weeks are here.

Church of England documents

Church of England documents are listed under their full title and issue number, in the same order as they appear on the Church’s web site.

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Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "COVID-19 legislation and guidance: update to 8 May" in Law & Religion UK, 3 May 2021,

3 thoughts on “COVID-19 legislation and guidance: update to 8 May

  1. APCMs. The CofE update 04 May states:
    The CofE covid update says ( added) :
    Last updated: Tuesday 4 May, 00:15
    The 4 Step plan from the Government indicates that physical meetings can go ahead from Step 3. .
    The Church Representation Rules allow for APCM meetings to take place up to 31st May and individual dioceses may choose to extend that deadline. If a parish holds a meeting before Step 3 is reached it should do so remotely – in the case of an annual meeting that requires special provision to be made by the Bishop. Some Bishops may give a general permission for APCMs including meetings of parishioners to take place online.

    Our diocese has extended the APCM deadline until 30 June 2021 and our APCM is scheduled for 02 June.

    Then next to Gov.UK where I see:
    Last updated:
    26 April 2021
    Places of worship
    You can go to places of worship for a service…. [An APCM is not a ‘service’]

    Other circumstances where you can gather in groups of more than six people or two households …
    Additional exemptions
    There are further reasonable excuses. For example, you may gather in larger groups or meet indoors:
    : to fulfil legal obligations

    If Step 3 is not in place by 02 June does holding our APCM indoors to comply with CRR fulfil a legal obligation and we an meet indoors?

    • This is a complex area in view of the legislative requirement and the advice from different bodies as to what might constitute a “reasonable excuse”. Since the PCC is a charity, those produced by the Charity Commission, particularly those on holding/postponing meetings

      However, as the guidance on the CofE web pages indicates, your Archdeacon would be person to approach for more definitive advice.

      • Many thanks, David, for your helpful reply and link.
        I see via the link:
        “If you do consider such a decision is necessary, you should follow any rules in your charity’s governing document that allow for postponement, adjournment or cancellation. If there are no such rules, but you decide that this is still the best course of action for your charity in the current circumstances, you should record the reasons for this decision to demonstrate good governance of your charity. This is particularly important if it is not possible to hold your AGM which may make it difficult for you to finalise your annual reports and accounts.”
        Our reasons are the CRR requirements, electoral role revision. Archdeacon next stop …

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