The new electronic marriage register for England & Wales came into operation today, 4 May 2021. Under it, the names of all four parents of the couple will be included in the marriage entry and on marriage certificates, instead of only the fathers’ names.
The General Register Office has issued various guidance – not exclusively in relation to marriage registration:
- an updated version of the Guidebook for Secretaries (for Marriages) of Synagogues;
- an updated version of the Guidebook for The Clergy on marriages, baptisms and burials – which is intended for clergy of the Church of England and the Church in Wales; and
- A Guide for Authorised Persons, for those other than Anglican clergy who are authorised to solemnize marriages.
The Guidebook for The Clergy has been designed to be read in conjunction with the Faculty Office booklet Anglican Marriage in England and Wales. A guide to the law for Clergy [only available in hard copy, though the second supplement is available here].