This post includes a rolling update of new legislation and guidance on coronavirus COVID-19 during the week commencing 27 June 2021 *.
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2021, SI 2021/766. Limited exemptions from self-isolation quarantine. People with a “Euro 2020 invite; those who FCDO confirms is doing official business in the UK
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Wedding and civil partnership ceremonies, receptions and celebrations, Updated guidance on risk assessments, social distancing measures, singing and dancing, serving food and drink, and enforcement.. Cabinet Office, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, (28 June 2021).
- (COVID-19) Coronavirus restrictions: what you can and cannot do. Translations updated, Cabinet Office, (28 June 2021).
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Advice on varying the admission arrangements of faith schools, Update of earlier guidance to provide more detailed advice on the variation process. (29 June 2021).
- Review advice on communal singing and chanting, including blowing of wind instruments and pipe organs, Technical Advisory Group, (June 2021). Each page is headed “TAG Advice only. This is not Welsh Government Policy”
Church of England‡
Updated Thursday July 01, 9:00:
Updated documents:
- COVID-19 Advice on the Conduct of Public Worship, V3.6. Update on version 3.5: the advice on serving refreshments (24) has been updated to bring it into line with Government guidance. (30 June 2021).
- COVID-19 Resources for Churches: FAQ Latest Advice. (27 June 2021). This covers the question Can we think of putting on a concert, and would our insurance cover us for this. However, in a “contract of insurance any fines and penalties incurred would not be covered”, and “what is a ‘commercial activity’ is subjective; this is really for each organisation to determine as above”.
Law and Religion UK
- Law and religion round-up – 27 June Outdoor weddings in England and Wales, Defining “outdoors”, Physical distancing in Scotland.
Post last updated, 1 July 2021 at 19:02.
* Information on COVID-19 on L&RUK
These updates are published at the start of each week; they are not reissued, but new items are added throughout the week as they become available, providing a “rolling update” of the latest developments during the current week. They are also added to COVID-19 Coronavirus: legislation and guidance which is the main source of information, and listed with the newest items last (unlike the CofE documents, infra); items in the weekly updates yet to be added are marked “§“. The updates for the earlier weeks are here.
Church of England documents are listed under their full title and issue number, in the same order as they appear on the Church’s web site.