Law and religion round-up – 18th December

Unsurprisingly, a very quiet week…

Smyth Review: update from independent reviewer

The Church of England has announced that the independent reviewer of the Smyth affair, Keith Makin, has confirmed that the Learning Lessons Review is now reaching its final stages. The review team has analysed previously unpublished documents, including contemporaneous correspondence and notes from the relevant period, and the next stage will be consultation with victims.  This is intended to begin in the week commencing 9 January 2023. Once this is completed, it will be followed by a representation process involving individuals and organisations who will be named and criticised in the published report. If you wish to be part of the consultation with victims, and are not already in contact with the review team, contact Keith Makin at

Religion at work

On Wednesday, business psychology consultancy Pearn Kandola published Religion at Work: Experiences of Christian employees, based on answers from the 1042 Christians across the UK and US who took part in an online survey earlier in 2022.

Of the 371 UK-based Christian employees, 82 per cent chose not to wear religious dress or symbols at work. Of the 66 UK-based Christian employees who did choose to wear religious dress or symbols at work, 36 per cent said that they did not feel comfortable doing so (which makes one wonder why they did it) and almost half of all UK-based Christian employees agreed that their organisations could do more to make employees feel comfortable wearing religious dress or symbols.

Taking annual leave for religious festivals was not a problem in the UK or the US: just 2.5 per cent of all Christian participants said that their employer had rejected such a request, while 14 per cent said that they did not feel comfortable discussing religious festivals at work.

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