Living in Love and Faith (LLF): Legal Issues (II)

On Wednesday 25 January 2023, the Church of England published an additional General Synod document, Prayers of Love and Faith: a note from the Legal Office, GS Misc 1339. This summarizes the legal background to the decision of the House of Bishops that it should, following discussion in the General Synod, commend Prayers of Love and Faith, a draft of which is contained in Annex B to GS 2289.

Whereas the Legal Note in Prayers of Love and Faith reviews the prayers and forms of service that may be used at the discretion of the minister, GS 2289 sets out the advice from the Legal Office for the General Synod, “which is to the same effect as the advice which was given to the College and House of Bishops”.

The background to advice is summarized in the Text Box on page 7, reproduced here, and  the Advice from the Legal Office is here. Continue reading