Grieve review of Christ Church Oxford completed

The Diocese of Oxford has issued the following Press Release on the completion of the governance of Christ Church Oxford by Dominic Grieve KC. Christ Church Oxford has published its own Press Release and the text of the Full Report. The Statutes of Christ Church Oxford are here

Dominic Grieve KC completes governance review of Christ Church, Oxford

10 May, Oxford – Dominic Grieve KC has completed his independent review of the governance of Christ Church, Oxford, and a report setting out recommendations to the Governing Body.

Speaking on publication of the Report the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft, said:

“The Diocese of Oxford has engaged fully and carefully with Dominic Grieve KC in his review of the governance of Christ Church and of our Cathedral Church.  Our engagement involved both the Bishops Council and the Synod of the Diocese and full submissions on behalf of the Bishop’s Council and myself as Bishop. We remain fully committed to Christ Church as the Cathedral of the Diocese and to the further development of the governance of the Cathedral. It is good to note that the Review has been published in full today. We look forward to engaging with its conclusions in the coming months.”

The process of implementing changes will require consultation with the University, the Church of England, the Charity Commission, and the approval of the Privy Council and Parliament.

Further information, including comments from Professor Sarah Foot, Dean Designate of Christ Church, and Dominic Grieve KC can be found on the Christ Church website.

Page last updated: Wednesday 17th May 2023 12:07 PM

This post was last update 18 May 2023 at 08:17. 

Cite this article as: David Pocklington, "Grieve review of Christ Church Oxford completed" in Law & Religion UK, 17 May 2023,


One thought on “Grieve review of Christ Church Oxford completed

  1. The Summary of Recommendations in Dominic Grieve’s Report is as follows:

    “63. Summary and Recommendations:

    Christ Church’s current structure for its Head of House needs reform to provide a wider pool than at present from which selection is made. The Statutes should be amended to allow for the GB to select a Head of House to be recommended for appointment by the Visitor without the restriction of that person being a clerk in Holy Orders of at least seven years standing and the Dean of the Cathedral should cease to be the head of the Foundation. It will be important that the person appointed understands and accepts their responsibility under the joint Foundation to both the Cathedral and the College.

    The appointment of the Head of House should be for a renewable fixed term of five years or something similar. A probationary period could also be considered but may deter applicants. The Head of House should be provided with and enter into a written contract setting out in broad terms the role and what is expected of them.
    The disciplinary and grievance code in Statute XXXIX should be revised and amended. It should include “wilful disruption of the life of the College” and “wilful disobedience of any of the Statutes or By-Laws of the House in force for the time being” as grounds for dismissal. The grievance code should be amended to enable the Head of House to bring a complaint under it. A complaint against the Head of House under Statute XXXIX should be brought to the Censor Theologiae as deputy head of house. The double lock of requiring the vote of the Chapter as well as of GB to approve proceedings should be removed and the matter left to the GB inclusive of its Chapter members.

    The Head of House will require a suitable salary and allowances, support and accommodation.”

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