Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill: further consultation

The Home Office is consulting yet again on the provisions of the draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill published in May 2023.

The Bill will impose requirements in relation to certain premises and events to increase their preparedness for and protection from a terrorist attack by requiring them to take proportionate steps, depending on the size and nature of the activities that take place at the premises.

The proposed requirements would apply to those responsible for qualifying public premises and qualifying public events. They might be individuals, but in most cases would be a business or other organisation. One of the conditions for premises would be that they be wholly or mainly used for a listed purpose, such as the provision of entertainment and leisure facilities to the public.

The proposals set out different requirements for:

  • standard tier premises, which would have a capacity of 100-799 individuals; and
  • enhanced tier premises and qualifying public events, both of which have a capacity of 800 individuals or more.

The Home Office has already announced that most places of worship will be placed in the standard tier, irrespective of their capacity.

On 5 February, it launched a further consultation on smaller premises which would fall within the standard tier under the draft Bill, targeted at organisations, businesses, local and public authorities and individuals that own or operate publicly accessible premises or events that the Bill will potentially affect.

The consultation closes at 11:59 pm on 18 March 2024. Responses must be made online at this link.

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