New Wine has issued the following Press Release announcing the commissioning by its Trustees of Fiona Scolding KC to undertake an independent review into the allegations concerning Mike Pilavachi and how they relate to New Wine.
Fiona Scolding KC to review links between New Wine and Mike Pilavachi
The Trustees of New Wine have commissioned Fiona Scolding KC to undertake an independent review into the allegations made concerning Mike Pilavachi, to explore how they relate to New Wine, and to highlight what we can learn for the future. This review is in addition to the ongoing review that Fiona Scolding KC is already conducting with regard to Soul Survivor and will be an addendum review to that report, building upon the learnings of that review.
The review will include a relationship audit into the nature and extent of our relationship with Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor. The full Terms of Reference of the New Wine Review will be published shortly on our website, and those affected (who have not already come forward to the review organised by the Trustees of Soul Survivor and Soul 61) or with information will be welcome to provide information on a voluntary basis. No information supplied to the Soul Survivor review will be shared with New Wine Trust. New Wine will provide support for those affected. At the review’s conclusion, Fiona Scolding KC will produce a separate report, which New Wine will publish in full.
Bishop Jill Duff, Chair of New Wine Trustees, has previously said the following regarding the upcoming review:
“Many have been hurt by Mike Pilavachi’s behaviour. As the new Chair of Trustees, I have asked for a full and independent review into the nature and extent of our relationship with Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor, to ascertain if there were allegations about his conduct at any New Wine events, and to highlight what we can learn for the future. We are in the process of doing this and will report as soon as possible. In the meantime, I would again urge anyone affected to seek the support and care that is available. Our priority is to enable a safe space for survivors to come forward, be heard and be cared for.”
For individuals or survivors of abuse seeking support or who have experiences related to Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor, or New Wine, Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, which provides a confidential space for you. Please contact them at for support.
Further information will be published in the coming days.