Law and religion round-up – 4th September

A week in which we learned “the lady’s not for turning (up)…”

… for Nick Robinson, but those who complain about the selective electoral college for the UK’s next Prime Minister might do well to look across the Tiber. The Catholic News Agency reports: “With the August consistory, the College of Cardinals will have 132 cardinal electors — that is, cardinals under the age of 80 and thus eligible to vote for a new pope in a conclave. Of these 132 cardinals, Pope Francis will have chosen … 62% of cardinal electors. By the end of 2022, when six more cardinals will have turned 80 years old, this percentage will be 65”.

Who needs boundary changes in a situation such as this?

The UN Human Rights Council and the Bill of Rights

A group of special rapporteurs at the UN Human Rights Council has raised concerns about the likely impact of the Bill of Rights Bill currently before Parliament. They note that, by becoming parties to international treaties, States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights. They are concerned that Continue reading