The Office for National Statistics has released further data for England and Wales from the 2011 Census, including an interactive comparator tool for religious affiliation. Following are the key points in relation to religion:
- In 2011 Christians had the oldest age profile of the main religious groups.
- The number of Christians had fallen and that fall was most marked in the case of people aged under 60.
- The number of people stating that they had no religion had increased across all age groups, particularly for those aged 20 to 24 and 40 to 44.
- In England and Wales, over nine in ten Christians (93 per cent) were white and nine in ten (89 per cent) were born in the UK.
- Nearly four in ten Muslims (38 per cent) reported their ethnicity as Pakistani – a 371,000 increase (from 658,000 to over a million) since 2001 – and nearly half of all Muslims were born in the UK.
- The majority of people with no religion were white (93 per cent) and born in the UK (93 per cent) and these groups had increased since 2001.
- The group who said that they had no religion had the highest proportion of people who were economically active, while Christians and Muslims had the lowest. Jewish people had the highest level of employment and Muslim people the highest level of unemployment.
- The main reason for Christians being economically inactive was retirement. For Muslims, economic inactivity was mainly because they were students or because they were looking after their home or family.
The data tables are available here: there is a link to an Excel spreadsheet.