A week in which we learned the meaning of “WTF”…
… err, “Wine Time Friday”, from the Sue Gray report (at p30). And choristers and musicians who were banned from performing will be less than impressed that “Helen MacNamara, Deputy Cabinet Secretary, attended for part of the evening and provided a karaoke machine which was set up in an adjoining office to the waiting room” (at p32).
Churches and clergy – a reminder
In his post, What is a “church” in English law?, Simon Hunter suggests that the word “church” can be used in three different contexts, of which the broad definition – “the quasi-corporate institution which carries on the religious work of the denomination whose name it bears”– is applicable to many faith groups, both large and small. On this basis, the answer to the recent query “Is ***** a real church?” is “most likely ‘Yes’” provided it fulfils these criteria. Continue reading