Retrospect of a lousy week…
… in which, for some, access to L&RUK has been being “a bit like the reception for Magic FM in the Chilterns – it sort of comes and goes” as former PM David Cameron famously described his personal Christian faith. However, we are taking steps to remedy the situation and expect to return to normal service within the next few days.
Once normal service is resumed, we will publish a “Catch-up” post with links to those posts which a number of our readers may have been unwilling to access on account of the security warning. We will also republish these posts individually. In addition, we have a growing a number of draft posts which we will publish shortly, including Russell Sandberg’s guest post on Non-qualifying Marriages and the COVID Regulations, a round-up of the ecclesiastical court judgments for August and September and last week’s New COVID-19 legislation and guidance to 3 October. Continue reading