Two prizes at the Portfolio Institutional Awards in addition to the AAA rating by the AODP
Following the award of AAA rating to the Church Commissioners by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) reported here, today the Church of England announced that the Commissioners were the recipients of two further prizes at this year’s Portfolio Institutional Awards. The Church’s Press Release states:
“Church Commissioners receive investment awards and triple-A rating on climate change
03 May 2016
The Church Commissioners for England have taken home two prizes at this year’s Portfolio Institutional Awards – the Best Charity/ Fund/ Trust Award for the first time since 2013, and the Best Implementation of Responsible Investment Award for the second year in a row.
The awards come as the Church Commissioners have also been given the highest AAA rating in this year’s Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) Global Climate 500, coming 10th in the index. The rating recognises the work done by the Commissioners to mitigate the investment risks of climate change through engagement and shareholder resolutions, as well as the Commissioners’ support for low carbon investment. Continue reading