Vatican Declaration: Blessing same-sex couples

On 18 December 2023, Vatican News announced Doctrinal declaration opens possibility to bless couples in irregular situations. In summary, “[w]ith the Declaration “Fiducia supplicans” issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by Pope Francis, it will be possible to bless same-sex couples but without any type of ritualization or offering the impression of a marriage. The doctrine regarding marriage does not change, and the blessing does not signify approval of the union”.

“When two people request a blessing, even if their situation as a couple is ‘irregular’, it will be possible for the ordained minister to consent. However, this gesture of pastoral closeness must avoid any elements that remotely resemble a marriage rite.

“The document explores the theme of blessings, distinguishing between ritual and liturgical ones, and spontaneous ones more akin to signs of popular devotion. It is precisely in this second category there is now consideration of the possibility of welcoming even those who do not live according to the norms of Christian moral doctrine but humbly request to be blessed. 23 years have passed since the former ‘Holy Office’ published a Declaration (the last one was in August 2000 with ‘Dominus Jesus‘), a document of such doctrinal importance”.

Extracts from the Vatican News item are reproduced below [emphasis added], and Part III: Blessings of Couples in Irregular Situations and of Couples of the Same Sex, is covered in more detail in a later post. Continue reading