A further compilation of “Quick Answers” and links
This is the twelfth post in which we have sought to provide “quick answers” to comments and queries that had been raised through the search function on L&RUK. Since its first appearance in our weekly round-up on 13th August this year, there has been a total of 160 responses to questions we considered to be within our remit (and to some which have not).
For issues which arise on a fairly regular basis, we have provided links to sources of frequently sought data, in addition to a selection of relevant pages on the CofE new website. The minutiae of the 1983 Code of Canons are not our specialist subject, and the blogs of Fr Z and Cathy Caridi have provided some Q&A of interest in this area. Dr Ed Peters’ blog In the Light of the Law gives more a detailed consideration of current issues, though not in a Q&A format.