Same-sex marriage for Church of Scotland ministers? – not just yet

Following its vote last Saturday to allow the ordination/induction/appointment of ministers and deacons in civil partnerships, the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has now taken the first step to extend that permission to ministers in same-sex marriages.

The final decision has been deferred until its presbyteries have been consulted under the Barrier Act. Presbyteries will now debate the matter and return their votes by the end of this year. This means that congregations may now opt out of [“depart from”] traditional church teaching on marriage and call a minister or deacon in a civil partnership, but they will not be able to call a minister in a same-sex marriage until the final vote has been taken. Special provisions were agreed that protect any minister or deacon ordained before 31 May 2009 who is now in a same-sex marriage, in the following terms: Continue reading